Jeffrey Hykin
Jeffrey Hykin
Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin


9 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

show people later

19 stories

An ogrish, tophatted, cigar-chomping giant holds the US Capitol building aloft contemptuously, pinched between the thumb and forefinger of a white-gloved hand. He stands at a podium bearing the Turbotax checkmark logo, yanking a lever in the form of a golden dollar-sign. He stands before a IRS 1040 tax form.
Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin


1 story

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin


6 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

python tools

3 stories

9 Python Built-In Decorators That Optimize Your Code Significantly
Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin


1 story

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

pure js world

4 stories

Build in AI speed — Compose enterprise-grade applications, features, and components
Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

software is broken

5 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin


10 stories

An animated gif depicting a ‘Useless Machine,’ that is, a box with a switch on it. When the operator’s finger flips the switch, a mechanical finger pops out of the box and flips it back and retracts back under the box lid. The loop shows the human and mechanical finger locked in an endless duel. Image: 陳韋邑 (modified) CC BY 3.0:
Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

ML is not AI

4 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

JavaScript tools

8 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

organizational tools

1 story

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

command line tools

2 stories

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

teaching the basics

1 story

Jeffrey Hykin

Jeffrey Hykin

Web3 Explained

2 stories